Site selection Choose an accessible well-drained fertile soil. Varieties The following varieties are recommended for their high yield and processing quality: TMS 30572, NR 8082, NR8083, TMS 4(2) 1425, TMS 81/00110, TMS 92/0326. An additional 10 varieties are in the process of being released. Weed control and land preparation A total herbicide – Round up (a glyphosate) should be applied at the rate of 4–5 l/ha 10 days before land preparation. For cost effectiveness and optimum plant population, mechanization and planting on ridges are recommended. Liming It is recommended that 5 (50 kg) bags of agricultural lime be applied /ha during land preparation. Planting and planting material 1. Planting starts in April and can be extended to October. 2. The quantity recommended for 1 ha is 60 bundles of cassava stem. 3. Stem cuttings 25 cm long should be planted at a spacing of 1 m x 1 m. 4. Maintain 100% planting rate by replacing dead or nonviable stems. Post-planting weed control Where a total herbicide was not used before land preparation, it is recommended that a selective pre-emergence herbicide be applied within three days after planting. Five litres of Primextra is recommended /ha. Fertilizer use, type and rate The following fertilizers and their rate/ha are recommended • NPK 15:15:15–12 (50 kg) bags • NPK 20:10:10–9 (50 kg) bags • NPK 12:12:17–15 (50 kg) bags Apply fertilizer at 8 weeks after planting. Apply fertilizer in a ring, 6 cm wide and 10 cm from the plant or broadcast with care around the plant, making sure the fertilizer does not touch the stem or leaves. Yield Yield of 25 t/ha and above can be obtained with good agronomic practices and management. Note To reduce cost of production and attain high yields, it is recommended that land preparation be fully mechanized. A power tiller can be used if the total land area under cultivation is not more than 250ha Production cost for one hectare of cassava to ensure yield of 25 t/ha and above | | N | 1 | Land preparation | 10,000.00 | 2 | Cassava cuttings (60 bundles @ N300/bundle) | 18,000.00 | 3 | Planting (8 pd* at N500/pd) | 4,000.00 | 4 | Pre-emergence herbicides (5 liters at N1000/l) | 5,000.00 | 5 | Fertilizer (20:10:10, 9 bags at N2500/bag) | 22,500.00 | 6 | Insecticides (2 liters at N1000/l) | 3,000.00 | 7 | Application of herbicide | 3,000.00 | 8 | Application of insecticide | 3,000.00 | 9 | Application of fertilizer (8 pd at N500/pd) | 4,000.00 | 10 | One weeding (20 pd at N500/pd) | 10,000.00 | 11 | Harvesting (35 pd at N500/pd) | 17,500.00 | | Total | 100, 000.00 | * pd = person days. Farm labor wage rates vary by location Note: Fixed capital investments are not included. Such capital investments include knapsack or boom sprayers, tractors or power tillers, stem cutters, planters, and harvesters. With planters and harvesters, manual labor use can be minimized.
sir,is it economical feasible to intercrop cassava with maize as compared to monocropping of cassava? am talking in terms of net yield when comparing the two cropping system.I am really interested in cassava production,it will be good to maximize the land.please sir,i need your advise