investment opportunity in cassava Chips and Chunks
Chips and Chunks
Investment profile for cassava chips production for livestock feed drying with trays
Peeled Chips Unpeeled Chips
Capacity 2.5t/day 2.5t/day
Output per annum 195t 325t
Price Naira/t 20000 18000
Number of working days 180 180
Dry load density 16kg/m2 16kg/m2
Conversion factor 03:01 2.5:1
Raw material required/annum 585t 812t
Fixed Cost
Processing building 750,000 750,000
Chipping machines (2 unit double chipper of 1t/day) 160,000 160,000
Weighing scale 25,000 25,000
Well (water source) 20000 20000
Installation & other expenses @5% 47,750 47,750
Interest on capital @ 22.5% 225618.75 225618.75
Total cost 1,228,369 1,228,369
Other materials required include:
Drying trays (115 nos), rakes, shovels, wheel barrows, basins/tanks for washing and chipping (10 nos), packaging and storage material (bags, ropes, funnel). Costs are based on 2005 prices.
Investment profile for cassava chips production for livestock feed drying on concrete floors (farm gate processing)
Option 1 Option 2
Peeled chips Unpeeled chips
Capacity 15t/day 15t/day
Output per annum 1170t 1560t
Price Naira/t 18000/t 18000/t
Number of working days 180 180
Dry loading density 10kg/m2 10kg/m2
Conversion factor 03:01 2.5:1
Raw material required/annum 3510t 3900t
Items and cost
Processing building 2,500,000 2,500,000
Chipping machines (4 units double chipper of 2t/day) 640000 640000
Concrete floors 1500m2@N800/m2 1,200,000 1,200,000
Well (water source) 20000 20000
Weighing scale 25,000 25,000
Installation & other expenses @5% 219250 219250
Interest on capital @ 22.5% 1035956.25 1035956.25
Total cost 5,640,206 5,640,206
Other materials required include:
Rakes, shovels, wheel barrows, basins/tanks for washing and chipping (10 nos), packaging and storage material (bags, ropes, funnel, wooden pallets). Costs are based on 2005 prices.
Investment profile for cassava chunks/strips
With concrete flour With tarpaulin
Capacity 2t/day 2t/day
Output per annum (t) 156 156
Price Naira/t 15000 15000
Number of working days 180 180
Conversion factor 2.5:1 2.5:1
Raw material required/annum 390t 390t
Items and cost
Processing building 750,000 750,000
Cutting/slicing machines (1 units cutter of 2t/day, weighing scale, deep well water source) 200,000 200,000
Concrete floors 250m2@N800/m2 200,000 0
Installation & other expenses @5% 57,500 47,500
Interest on capital @ 22.5% 271,687.50 224,437.50
Total cost 1,479,188 1,221,938
Packaging and storage material (bags, ropes, funnel, wooden pallets) also required. Costs are based on 2005 prices.
Investment profile for cassava chips production for livestock feed drying with trays
Peeled Chips Unpeeled Chips
Capacity 2.5t/day 2.5t/day
Output per annum 195t 325t
Price Naira/t 20000 18000
Number of working days 180 180
Dry load density 16kg/m2 16kg/m2
Conversion factor 03:01 2.5:1
Raw material required/annum 585t 812t
Fixed Cost
Processing building 750,000 750,000
Chipping machines (2 unit double chipper of 1t/day) 160,000 160,000
Weighing scale 25,000 25,000
Well (water source) 20000 20000
Installation & other expenses @5% 47,750 47,750
Interest on capital @ 22.5% 225618.75 225618.75
Total cost 1,228,369 1,228,369
Other materials required include:
Drying trays (115 nos), rakes, shovels, wheel barrows, basins/tanks for washing and chipping (10 nos), packaging and storage material (bags, ropes, funnel). Costs are based on 2005 prices.
Investment profile for cassava chips production for livestock feed drying on concrete floors (farm gate processing)
Option 1 Option 2
Peeled chips Unpeeled chips
Capacity 15t/day 15t/day
Output per annum 1170t 1560t
Price Naira/t 18000/t 18000/t
Number of working days 180 180
Dry loading density 10kg/m2 10kg/m2
Conversion factor 03:01 2.5:1
Raw material required/annum 3510t 3900t
Items and cost
Processing building 2,500,000 2,500,000
Chipping machines (4 units double chipper of 2t/day) 640000 640000
Concrete floors 1500m2@N800/m2 1,200,000 1,200,000
Well (water source) 20000 20000
Weighing scale 25,000 25,000
Installation & other expenses @5% 219250 219250
Interest on capital @ 22.5% 1035956.25 1035956.25
Total cost 5,640,206 5,640,206
Other materials required include:
Rakes, shovels, wheel barrows, basins/tanks for washing and chipping (10 nos), packaging and storage material (bags, ropes, funnel, wooden pallets). Costs are based on 2005 prices.
Investment profile for cassava chunks/strips
With concrete flour With tarpaulin
Capacity 2t/day 2t/day
Output per annum (t) 156 156
Price Naira/t 15000 15000
Number of working days 180 180
Conversion factor 2.5:1 2.5:1
Raw material required/annum 390t 390t
Items and cost
Processing building 750,000 750,000
Cutting/slicing machines (1 units cutter of 2t/day, weighing scale, deep well water source) 200,000 200,000
Concrete floors 250m2@N800/m2 200,000 0
Installation & other expenses @5% 57,500 47,500
Interest on capital @ 22.5% 271,687.50 224,437.50
Total cost 1,479,188 1,221,938
Packaging and storage material (bags, ropes, funnel, wooden pallets) also required. Costs are based on 2005 prices.
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